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How to Camp With Kids: The Ultimate Guide for Family Fun on The Road

How to Camp With Kids: The Ultimate Guide for Family Fun on The Road

There is no better feeling than watching your kids experience the world for the first time. They throw rocks into a river, jump from log to log, or roast marshmallows over an open fire. 

And yes, it’s expected that camping with kids isn’t nearly as easy as camping on your own, but the additional challenge also brings greater rewards. Kids thrive on the road, and we love to see them enjoying it in our Four Wheel Campers! Even though they aren’t full RVs, our truck campers are perfect for families, and many use them to enjoy time outdoors with their kiddos.

Whether seasoned campers who are new parents or established families interested in starting to camp, here are all our biggest tips on how to camp with kids. 

lightweight campers

How to Camp With Kids

1. Start with a one-night camping trip 

Instead of heading straight out for a 7-night camping trip, start small on an introductory one-night getaway close to home. This is not only for the kids but also for you. You’ll learn dos, don’ts, mistakes, and forgotten items quickly to add to your notes for future trips. You’ll test the waters with the best setup in your pop up camper and adjust it as needed. It’ll also be an easy introduction to camping for the kiddos, with taking them out of their comfort zone for too long. 

2. Bring an excess of paper towels & wet wipes

The last thing you want to do on your camping trip is run low on supplies to clean up messes. Pack extra of everything: clothing, paper towels, napkins, wet wipes, kleenex, and even TP. You’ll thank us later! 

3. Keep plans loose 

As with anything when it comes to parenting, any plan should be a loose plan. Camping with a strict itinerary will likely not go well. Allow things to go wrong and adjust schedules as needed. If you try to have a family outing and it’s not going well, head back to camp. You can always try again later! If you try to force everything to go as planned, it’ll likely turn into a giant headache for both you and the kiddos. You can expect every camping trip to be perfectly imperfect. 

4. Established campgrounds are likely the best option (for now) 

Established campgrounds have many things that make camping with kids easier, including bathrooms, showers, playgrounds, electrical hookups, and other kids to play with. If you love the idea of dispersed camping, perhaps wait until they’re a little older. Reserve your campground spots ahead of time to save additional stress from trying to find open campsites at the last minute. You will be thankful to have your truck camper hooked up to water and electricity; those little amenities make all the difference! 

pop up truck camper

5. Bring kid-friendly activities, but also embrace the outdoors 

There are so many entertainment options that help make camping with kids fun, memorable, and exciting. In addition to bringing a handful of toys, invest in fun outdoor activities, such as frisbee, cornhole, ladder golf, or bug catchers. Kids will also enjoy simple outdoor activities, such as collecting rocks, playing in the sand, or biking around the campground. 

6. A little dirt is good for the soul 

Let’s face it, it’s impossible not to get a little dirty while camping. Know that the kiddos will likely play in the dirt, scrape up their knee, and splash in the mud. It’s all part of the experience! Lucky for you, our slide-in and flatbed camper options have exterior hose attachment options for quick and easy cleaning before entering the truck camper. 

shell truck camper

7. Scout out kid-friendly stops 

When traveling with kids, your camping trip priorities will likely change. You might have to shelf the idea of that 7-mile hike you had on your bucket list, but you might scout out that dinosaur bone exhibit that you overlooked originally. Look into options like these for kid-friendly activities on your camping trip:

  • Parks, lakes, or rivers 
  • Splash pads
  • Interactive activities or museums 
  • Picnic areas 
  • Biking 
  • Geocaching 
  • Wildlife exhibits 
  • Fishing 

8. Join a family camping Facebook group 

There are plenty of online groups to help you prepare for your first camping trip with kids in your 4×4 camper, tent, or RV. A couple of weeks before your trip, try joining one of the groups listed below on Facebook. You’ll get plenty of good ideas and tips, and you can ask questions to the community and get feedback from other parents. If you have a camping question with kids, it’s likely been answered in one of these groups! They cover everything from accommodating nap times to how to tent camp with kids. 

Tent Camping with Kids 

Camping with Kids 

Full Time RV Living with Kids Family Travel Tips Forum

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The 2025 Trade Show Season is in full swing. It’s a great opportunity to maybe see our campers at a show location near you. Link below:



Current leads time to get a new camper built varies a little from dealer to dealer (depending on their location and order volume). Please contact your closest dealer to see what their current estimate delivery times are. It is usually somewhere around 3 – 4 months from the time of order.


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We hope to be part of your 2025 adventures!

Team Four Wheel Campers – Since 1972

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